Sean Chen

Deputy Head of Financial Services, Head of Banking

KPMG in Taiwan

Sean Chen has been working for many global banking clients in various leadership roles with respect to financial risk management and asset portfolio management for more than 15 years. He currently heads the Financial Risk Management practice based in KPMG’s Taiwan office. He has broad ranging experience in the Financial Risk Management area, including credit risk, liquidity and market risk, operational risk, economic capital management, capital adequacy and regulatory services, and Basel III and Solvency II transformation. As a result, the Taiwanese FRM team has been engaging in many important projects in both China and Taiwan since he joined KPMG in 2008, and he is now in charge of leading ASPAC FRM practice to support KPMG’s ASPAC strategy clients. Having witnessed some of the major financial crises, he has shown strong initiative to assist financial institutions in transforming their risk management practice. Apart from improving the business process across different banking divisions in relation to risk management, he leads his multidisciplinary team to develop practical applications and tools. In light of his dedication to establishing robust financial risk management frameworks and mechanisms, he has built a good reputation in the Financial Risk Management field. Consequently, he is a frequently invited speaker at public forums delivering up-to-date knowledge of managing financial risk. All in all, Sean Chen is living off his motto, “One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.”
  • Financial Risk Management
  • Basel II credit risk management
  • Market Risk implementation and validation
  • IRB model validation and development
  • Consultation on capital requirement system
  • Consultation on regulatory requirements such as Basel accord and IFRS 9
  • Big data application and digital transformation
  • Master Degree - Business Administration, specialized in Financial Engineering, Schulich Business School, York University, Canada

  • Social Sciences – Economics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
