Rex dedicated to advisory services nearly 20 years in risk management and is recognized for his particular expertise in the fields of corporate governance, internal audit and internal controls, fraud risk management, fraud investigation, forensic technology, anti-money laundering and counter financing of terrorism.
Over the past few years, Rex has collaborated with KPMG ASPAC Risk Consulting team to setup AML/CFT practices and regulation compliance for financial services industry in Taiwan.
Rex has been accredited by several government authorities, regulators and professional organizations through his contributions as a professional consultant to internal audit, risk compliance, and forensic services. He is serving as a guest speaker at the Securities and Futures Institute, The Institute of Internal Auditors-Chinese Taiwan, ISACA Taiwan and Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance.
Professional Service Experience
- Enterprise risk management; Fraud risk management assistances
- Board advisory services
- Internal audit; Governance, Risk and Compliance
- Commercial crime investigation and Forensic services
- AML (Anti-Money Laundering) / CFT (Countering Financing of Terrorism) compliances
- Forensic technology services and Digital evidence recovery; Data analysis and investigation services
- Cyber Security; Attack and Penetration Testing
- Contract governance and compliance review services
- Expert witness services