Asset intensive organisations remain resource-heavy and ripe for digital transformation. Highly qualified and experienced engineers, analysts and operators typically spend 30% of their time on data manipulation and administrative tasks, rather than making evidence-based decisions.

The assets and infrastructure have come of age. They are smarter, more capable and better connected. But, organisations are still dealing with the traditional challenges of ageing assets, increasing customer demand and regulatory pressures.

From the boardroom to the frontline, they are looking to transform, and exploit the potential opportunities presented by the emerging ecosystem of Infrastructure Technologies (Infratech).

The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the need to adopt technology improvements to unlock value in asset-intensive organisations. But, in the fast-paced world of data and analytics, they are struggling to keep up.

Each day, a maintenance worker or engineer will perform a visual asset inspection, make paper-based notes, only to manually transcribe these into a terminal when they return to the depot. And this is destroying value.

We know that you want to understand where you sit in this digital landscape, and where you need to focus your efforts.

  • Where should you be investing in Infratech? 
  • What does digital transformation look like to you? 
  • What capabilities, skills and cultural changes do you need to develop to take advantage of data analytics for your assets? 
  • What tools can be fast-tracked into your organisations to accelerate benefits?

Our Infratech advisory team combines our knowledge of infrastructure and technology, to help you achieve better outcomes. We provide data, analytics and digital transformation services for asset-intensive organisations.

We assess and diagnose capability, systems and data shortfalls to identify opportunities to improve productivity, address efficiency gaps and get more value from assets.

Connect with us

From traditional infrastructure owners in transport and utilities to other large asset owners in defence and retail, we support you in the initial diagnostics, solution development and delivery.

  • Diagnostics and Strategy: Assess current capability, systems and data of infrastructure asset planning, delivery and operations functions in readiness for digital transformation. Define capability improvement plans and support technology roadmaps.
  • Implementation Support: Support organisations in implementing infratech solutions – defining requirements, selecting and implementing solutions for better infrastructure management, providing change management, process redesign, programme management and assurance for large/complex implementations in infrastructure and asset-intensive organisations.
  • Solution Development: Development and/or co-creation of specific solutions for infrastructure and assets, including data analytics and visualisations, decision support tools and tools for automating and accelerating key infrastructure management and delivery processes in the front/middle office.

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