
Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues facing our world today. As one of the countries most susceptible to the impacts of climate change, the Philippines stands at the forefront of experiencing its most adverse effects. Hence, we are committed to doing our part in reducing our carbon footprint in support of KPMG International’s commitment of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2030. We are committed to playing a role in tackling environmental issues especially within our business operations, as well as with our clients, as we help empower them make responsible environmental decisions and drive positive environmental impacts. ​​

In pursuit of these commitments, our environmental journey involves implementing sustainable practices and making conscious and systemic changes in our own operations and functions, including reporting our environmental and climate baseline and performance – which are the key steps towards realizing our goals through increased confidence from our employees and clients, while influencing discourse and positive actions to help create a more sustainable world.

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"The key to reducing carbon footprint is corporate responsibility in making business operations sustainable"

Kristine I. Aguirre​

Advisory Partner (Risk Consulting) and ESG Lead​

KPMG in the Philippines

Emissions, Energy and Climate Impact

Reduce our carbon footprint​

Report our carbon footprint and climate performance

As an organization that also encourages our clients to embed sustainability into their operations and providing ESG-related services, we are also responsible for monitoring the environmental impact of our organization. Establishing better monitoring and reporting systems can enable us to play a significant part in the global decarbonization efforts. In the past years, we have focused on collecting our baseline data to support this effort and understand where we are in our decarbonization journey and where we need to focus in the years ahead. ​

What we've done to drive progress

We are committed to reducing our emissions and collecting more accurate data to enable us to track our performance towards our decarbonization goal. In the coming years, we will set quantitative targets of our GHG emissions reduction aligned with the KPMG global decarbonization targets. ​

Our progress in FY2023 focused on establishing the needed data collection system for tracking and monitoring our operational GHG footprint, including determining and consolidating the data requirements to be able to compute for our emissions of our activities.

Began establishing an emissions data collection system

Replaced all lighting fixtures to LED lighting in our offices and existing appliances with newer energy-efficient ratings from ENERGY STAR certified cooling systems, computers, printers and copiers, and kitchen appliances

Conducted awareness campaign for our employees to foster a culture that conserves energy and lessen unnecessary energy use in our offices

Emissions, Energy and Climate Impact

Drive sustainable climate practices in our operations​

We are continuously working towards progressing in our environmental targets on our resource use. We aim to reduce the total amount of water used at our sites and lessen our waste generation to minimize our environmental impacts. Generally, 100% of our water consumption occurs through the use of our office facilities. Meanwhile, the waste we generate is sorted in the office according to biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials, which are then collected and disposed by the local government units. ​

What we've done to drive progress

In our effort to drive sustainable practices in our operations, some of our initiatives in FY2023 include:​

Waste Segregation:
We have introduced a waste segregation system by placing bins for recycling, biodegradable, and non-biodegradable items in high-traffic areas of our offices, such as the pantry spaces.
Scrap disposal program:
Annually, we dispose all of the old files from the storage warehouse by directing our paper waste to TIPCO Paper Manufacturing Company for processing or selling the shredded papers to scrap vendors. This program enables our scrap papers to be recycled and upcycled into new paper and contribute to circularity. We have also made efforts to extend the lifecycle of our used products by selling old furniture, appliances and old laptop components to recycling facilities to contribute to increasing the recycling market for materials and components, thus, contributing to circularity.
Employee awareness programs:
We encourage our employees to practice "Bring Your Own Bottle” (BYOB) to reduce single-use plastics in our office. During company events, we also limit our use of plastics by utilizing paper materials such as paper utensils, paper plates, and paper cups.
Operational waste reduction programs:
We consciously focus on reducing our waste from the source. We understand that our daily client operations require us to produce paper-based deliverables. Hence, we have set-up printers to automate the volume of papers discarded from conventional printing and usage by automatically printing double-sided drafts to enable the reduction of paper waste.

Responsible Supply Chain

Drive sustainable climate practices in our operations​

We have continuously strived to work with suppliers and vendors who practice the highest ethical business conduct and demonstrate environmental, social and economic responsibility. We understand that our supply chain, which cuts across various industries, has a significant impact on our ESG commitments, hence, we ensure that our procurement teams uphold the highest ethical values and standards in managing our supply chain-related functions towards a more sustainable future.​ ​

We believe that how we do business must fundamentally change to move away from an unsustainable path. Our impact relies on how we select and work with suppliers, including vendors and contractors, to deliver the support needed in managing our business. We hold our suppliers to the same strict ethical standards to which we hold ourselves, focusing on policies and programs related to human rights, resource efficiency, climate impact, and waste.

Our Procurement Policy

It defines how our central Procurement department supports sourcing, purchasing and supplier management activities across our business, ensuring best practice and compliance with the firm’s policies and standards. Here, we:

  •  Insist on the highest ethical standards from both our suppliers and staff. We conduct procurement activities in an open and transparent manner to ensure the highest standards of integrity and to avoid any conduct capable of misinterpretation.
  •  Treat all supplier information, including pricing and other commercial terms, as strictly confidential and we require suppliers to treat our information similarly.
  •  Our partners and staff are instructed to refuse all offers of gifts, money and/or hospitality from suppliers other than minor gifts of low intrinsic value such as pens, diaries etc. We therefore discourage our suppliers from offering such gifts, hospitality or entertainment which, if offered, will be politely returned.

Suppliers who are also clients of KPMG

Some of our suppliers of goods and services that we require on an ongoing basis are also our clients. In such situations, we apply strict procedures to ensure full integrity and objectivity and that no undue influence is exerted favoring the award of any order or contract to a client of the firm.

Conversely, on those occasions when a client does offer best value, our procedures ensure that the award of an order or contract does not lead to a potential, perceived or actual bias, conflict of interest or influence upon the objectivity and integrity of our relationship with the client in question.

What we've done to drive progress

100% of our local procurement budget spent on local suppliers

We have implemented small-scale initiatives to incorporate sustainability in our supply chain such as practicing conscious choices of using sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives for the products we use in our offices including those we provide our employees with, where we prioritize suppliers that promote sustainability and sustainable products and packaging. For instance, we have partnered with a local supplier since FY2021 for our Christmas giveaways, in which products are made from local artisans and crafted from eco-friendly and natural materials.

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