Multidisciplinary Japanese and Filipino Experts

With our Global Japanese Practice spanning across 91 major cities with over 800 Japanese professionals, KPMG in the Philippines’ Japan Desk is committed to helping Japanese companies successfully start, develop and expand businesses while adapting to changing market conditions and local regulatory requirements.

Audit and Assurance

Financial Statement Audit (Local statutory audit)

Accounting audit is required by the Corporation Code of the Philippines.

➦ There is an audit obligation if the company has total assets/debts of more than Php 600,000.00. This means that this is applicable to most of the Japanese companies.

➦ Fiscal year generally pertains to a calendar year. However, a different year end may be used at the company’s discretion.

➦ There are reporting obligations for the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) within 105 days and for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) within 120 days from the end of the fiscal year.

➦ Preparing the financial statement in accordance with the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS) that complies with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). PFRS provides a standard for small and medium-sized entities, and simplified declarations are allowed by following this.

Quarterly review

We provide a voluntary review left to the company’s discretion. This is a simpler procedure compared to statutory audit. Thus, most of Japanese companies in the Philippines choose not to prepare this report unless required by their parent company.

Other reviews

These are reviews conducted for a specific period upon a company’s request.

Agreed upon procedures (AUP)

We help prepare specified procedures based on agreement.

Audit for capital increase

We provide issuance of a mandatory audited report when a company increases their authorized capital in the Philippines. The auditor in charge of financial statement audit will conduct this, normally.

Audit for functional currency

We provide mandatory audit for companies that change their currency from Philippine Pesos (PHP) to their functional currency. The auditor who is in charge of financial statement audit usually conducts this.


Tax retainer

We provide general advisory services for tax concerns reflecting the unique needs of Japanese clients relating to their daily operations. Consultation beyond the scope of this service, such as tax investigation response and detailed study for individual matters (tax due diligence in M&A) will be contracted separately. Basically, this contract is good for one year with fixed monthly compensation.

Assistance for tax investigation

This is an assistance service for when a company faces a tax audit investigation. We assist in the tax investigation and consider countermeasures, including the representation of the company before the BIR. The tax audit process is complex, and the BIR usually includes many items of assessment which a taxpayer needs to address. This service supports the company in opposing the BIR and raising the proper defenses against the items of assessment. The early involvement of tax professionals is key to the successful cancellation or reduction of the amount of the assessment.

Tax compliance review

We review the company’s compliance with the Tax laws and regulations. This covers all internal revenue taxes such as income tax, value added taxes, withholding taxes, documentary stamp tax, as well as local business tax and real property tax. The purpose of this is to manage tax risk and to keep the transparency of the tax preparation process. This contract covers one taxable year.

Tax Advisory (Tax opinion, Tax study, Inquiry)

This service is an individual response to a client’s specific project that will be implemented or is planned to be implemented. For clients who have plans to expand their business in the Philippines, we provide investment advice and inform them of the available tax incentives and provide a professional opinion report.

Tax due diligence

Here, we compute the company’s value in tax aspects and judge based on the potential tax risk and/or tax structure of the company. Mostly, it includes computing the possible tax risks involved in a Japanese company takeover of a Philippine company. In addition, we support a company’s investment decision with our in-depth knowledge and provide flexible advisory service in line with company needs.

Tax structuring

We provide Tax structuring services for acquisition and/or business realignment. Philippine investments may include the establishment of subsidiaries/joint ventures and the acquisition of local companies. Additionally, there are many investment options for tax savings such as leveraging tax incentives under the Philippine Tax Code and establishing a company through tax treaty countries. Among them, this service provides the company’s own tax structuring while considering tax cost and plan.

Transfer pricing documentation /study

We assist with transfer pricing documents required by the BIR, or with analyzing transaction/profit rate.

➦ We recommend that if a company has related party transactions, it should have transfer pricing documentation.

➦ Proving that the transaction price with the related company is reasonable.

Assistance for tax treaty relief application (TTRA)

We help with the preparation of the Tax Treaty Relief Application (TTRA) for purposes of availing preferential tax treatment under existing tax treaties. Depending on the tax treaty relief applied for, this may involve simple documentation or the preparation of several documents.

Company set up

We support with the establishment of a company, branch or representative office.

➦ Required procedure for establishing a company in accordance with form of the company

➦ Procedure of administration agencies such as SEC, BIR and Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)

➦ Procedure of administration agencies such as SEC, BIR and Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)

➦ Proposal for business scheme

We assist with the flow of setting up a company such as SEC application for license issuance, obtaining business permits from the Local Government Unit (LGU) and registering to the BIR and PEZA, afterwards.

Global Mobility Service (GMS)

This is a yearly contract for computing and filing of individual income tax for Japanese expatriates in the Philippines. We provide one-on-one counseling through phone or e-mail. Due to the widening income gap in the Philippines, this is an essential service for protecting the security of individuals and the company.

VAT refund assistance

We assist with the filing of application for VAT refund.

Assistance for change of company name

We help in the SEC procedure of changing a company name.

Tax filing (Corporate income tax and VAT and other taxes)

In compliance with the Tax Code of the Philippines, we compute the tax obligation and provide the corporate income form. This applies to quarterly/annual corporate income filing, monthly withholding tax filing and monthly/quarterly VAT filing, and other tax types, depending on the BIR registration of the company.

Tax filing on the transfer of shares of stock

We compute the Capital Gain Tax (CGT) and Documentary Stamp Tax (DST) preparation, filing and payment of tax returns. The service includes obtaining the Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) which is needed to transfer the shares in the stock and transfer book of the company.

Tax filing (DST)

We help in computing the stamp duty and providing the filing form for transactions subject to DST.


Financial due diligence

We conduct this service with the aim of deepening the understanding of the situation of the targeted company/business from a financial point of view and identifying and evaluating various risk factors related to deals.

Internal audit

This internal audit service is conducted by the request of a parent company in Japan and report the results.

Process review

After reviewing the financial report or another duty, we propose the improvement and provide the support and training including Project Management Office (PMO) duties. When the company is established, we can assist with document processing for business operations.

Business due diligence

When a company has plans to merge or acquire, we examine the past and current risks of a targeted company from an accounting/financial perspective.

Financial advisor

This is to lead your M&A successfully by selecting a targeted company, considering the scheme, evaluating business value and assisting with negotiation/contract signing.


In M&A or organization restructuring, we provide various value evaluation services with an external perspective and support your decision. Furthermore, we also provide Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) and/or intangible assets perspective for required accounting treatments after the acquisition.

Financial modeling/review

We consider the investment value for buyers. This is not only for considering the business plan submitted by the targeted company, but also for providing the supporting service related to it, analyzing synergy and preparing the financial model based on the sight of buyer’s company, if needed.

Market analysis

We provide market scale and potential analysis. It is often conducted with a consistent feasibility study when entering a new business.


We provide risk management services such as current diagnosis, system planning, introduction support and survey/audit/training. Moreover, our experts will provide suitable advices for issues relating to misconduct/deception.

IT system review

We ensure proper project management to lead the success of system implementation and review projects and internal controls in real time across all phases of the project to achieve effective and efficient control of new businesses and systems.

Technology Consulting

Cyber Security

KPMG has moved cybersecurity to the heart of our business – it has been one of the prime areas of focus for us. Our Cybersecurity practice consists of a global team of more than 3,000 talented professionals dedicated to cybersecurity in more than 75 countries around the world. We provide end-to-end cyber security services demonstrated in four pillars;

➦ Strategy & Governance – we help clients prevent cyber threats by understand how best to align their cyber agenda with their dynamic business and compliance priorities;

➦ Transformation – we help clients improve their cyber posture by building and improving their programs and process supported by the right organization and technology to improve their cyber agenda;

➦ Cyber Defense – we help clients detect cyber threats and maintain their cyber agenda as their business and technology programs evolve by providing greater visibility and understanding of changing risks; and

➦ Cyber Response – we help clients to effectively and efficiently respond to cyber incidents and conduct forensic analysis and details investigation

Data Privacy Advisory Services

KPMG’s data privacy practice consists of a global team of more than 1,000 talented professionals in more than 75 countries around the globe, with considerable experience in privacy governance framework, personnel training, privacy impact assessment, gap assessment, risk management, policy-making and implementation strategies, breach simulation and readiness and regulatory notification requirements while ensuring adherence to mature and timely methodologies to support clients with a diverse variety of compliance and operation challenges.

Cloud Transformation

Cloud is fundamentally changing all aspects of the digital business ecosystem. Our Cloud transformation Services helps clients identify business and market control requirements, then assess, design, implement, operate, or audit their cloud environments to manage infrastructure in order to achieve compliance. Our services are based on our hands-on experience designing, configuring, and validating industry specific controls for leading cloud platforms and digital transformation initiatives. With cloud transformation services, we enable clients to become digitally “powered” and “connected’.

Data and Analytics

The ability to harness data is a powerful business tool. With the rise of data and analytics (D&A), businesses must proactively manage, protect, transform and communicate data to make intelligent decisions. D&A not only helps optimize an organization’s overall performance, it also significantly affects the business decisions. With the current fast-paced business landscape, D&A can optimize operations, improve customer experience, add value, identify opportunities for growth and streamline costs while aiding business leaders make sound decisions across all aspects in an organization.

For more details, check

Intelligent Automation

We use our global network, a wealth of experience with cross-border systems and our knowledge of trailblazing cases to provide services, such as RPA diagnosis and configuration, in order to power up and complement your processes. Low-code platforms to create sophisticated enterprise-class applications that incorporate complex business logic, automate workflow, integrate existing information systems, and enable a slick user experience.

Key Contacts

Yuji Komiya


Yuji Komiya


Kengo Udagawa

前川 悠樹

Yuki Maekawa

Senior Manager

Kathleen L. Saga

Yuji Komiya

Yuki Maekawa

Edna Zuniga

KPMGグローバルジャパニーズプラクティスは、 日本企業の海外事業展開を支援するKPMGのグローバルネットワークです。



Financial Statement Audit (Local statutory audit)

フィリピン会社法によって要求される会計監査 。

➦ 総資産もしくは総負債が60万ペソ以上であれば監査義務有り → ほぼ全ての日系企業が該当

➦ 決算日は暦年決算が通常であるが親会社に合わせるなど自由に決定

➦ BIR(内国歳入庁)へは105日以内、SEC(証券取引委員会)へは120日以内の報告義務

➦ IFRS(国際会計基準)にほぼ準拠したフィリピン独自の基準であるPFRS(フィリピン会計基準)に従って財務諸表を作成 (中小法人向けのPFRSも用意されており、それに従うことで簡素化された申告が許容される)

Quarterly review


Other reviews


Agreed upon procedures (AUP)


Audit for capital increase

増資時にフィリピンでは必須とされる監査報告書の発行業務。 通常、法定監査を担当する監査人が行う。

Audit for functional currency

フィリピンでフィリピンペソ以外の通貨を機能通貨にする際に必須とされる監査業務。 通常、法定監査を担当する監査人が行う。


Tax retainer


Assistance for tax investigation


Tax compliance review


Tax Advisory (Tax opinion, Tax study, Inquiry)


Tax due diligence


Tax structuring


Transfer pricing documentation /study
移転価格 文書化/分析


➦ 関連当事者間取引がある会社は基本的に移転価格文書を作成するべき

➦ 関係会社との取引価額について妥当性を証明

Assistance for tax treaty relief application (TTRA)


Company set up


➦ 会社形態によって設立に必要な手続き

➦ SEC、BIR、PEZA(経済特区庁)などの行政手続き

➦ ビジネススキームの提案


Global Mobility Service (GMS)


VAT refund assistance


Assistance for change of company name


Tax filing (Corporate income tax and VAT and other taxes)
税務申告サービス (法人所得税、付加価値税)


Tax filing on the transfer of shares of stock
税務申告サービス (株式譲渡時)


Tax filing (Documentary Stamp Tax)



Financial due diligence


Internal audit


Process review


Business due diligence


Financial advisor



M&Aや組織再編において、第三者の観点から各種バリュエーション(価値評価)を提供し、企業の意思決定をサポート。また、買収後に求められる会計処理についてはPPA(Purchase Price Allocation)や無形資産評価の面で評価サービスを提供。

Financial modeling /review


Market analysis



不正リスク管理体制の構築支援として 現状診断、制度設計・導入支援から調査・監査・研修まで幅広いサービスを提供するほか、専門家が、 企業が直面しているさまざまな問題を解決するための適切なアドバイスを提供。

IT system review

システム導入プロジェクトを成功に導くために、全フェーズにわたってリアルタイムにプロジェクトや内部統制をレビューするサービス。適切なプロジェクト管理を実現し、新業務プロセスと新システムにおける効果的かつ効率的な内部統制を実現するために実施する。また、Cyber Security構築やRPA(Robotic Process Automation,定形業務自動化)対応等のIT支援業務も提供している。


Cyber Security


➦ 戦略とガバナンス:新たなセキュリティリスクに対応するための管理体制の構築・強化、並びに戦略・方針の策定を支援。

➦ デジタル変革:適切な組織構築とテクノロジーによって会社のプログラム、プロセスを改善。個別最適化ではなく全社的で全業務に影響する変革を支援。

➦ サイバーディフェンス:サイバーリスクの可視性と理解を高めることによって、会社がサイバー脅威を検出し、サイバー方針を維持できるように支援。

➦ サイバーレスポンス:会社がサイバーインシデント(セキュリティを脅かす事象)に効果的かつ効率的に対応し、フォレンジック分析と詳細調査を実施することを支援。

Data Privacy Advisory Services データプライバシーアドバイザリー


Cloud Transformation


Data and Analytics



Intelligent Automation


Key Contacts

Yuji Komiya


Yuji Komiya


Yuki Maekawa

前川 悠樹

Yuki Maekawa

Senior Manager

[KPMGフィリピン ジャパンデスク]

Kathleen L. Saga

Yuji Komiya

Yuki Maekawa

Edna Zuniga