Disputes can be commercially and emotionally disruptive for the parties involved. Our role is to decide on the most suitable mode of dispute resolution and  (to) provide clear and objective guidance to our clients, to help them solve disputes as quickly and effectively as possible. This involves balancing their objectives against legal, commercial and reputational risks.

We offer representation at all levels of trial and appellate litigation. We also cover wide range of disputes, including arbitration,  banking and finance litigation, corporate insolvency and restructuring, defamation, private client disputes, construction and property disputes and international trade disputes. If the suitable route is a non-court forum, we will represent our clients in the fields of arbitration, adjudication and mediation. Our clients include local and multinational corporations, as well as high-net-worth individuals and families.

About Roosdiono & Partners

Roosdiono & Partners is an Indonesian partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.

Roosdiono & Partners is an Indonesian law firm which provides legal services in association with the KPMG Law network. Roosdiono & Partners is a separate legal entity. Neither Roosdiono & Partners nor entities which are a part of the KPMG global organization (including other law firms) has any control over, or acts as an agent of, or assumes any liability for the acts or omissions of, the other.

For more detail about the structure of the KPMG global organization please visit https://home.kpmg/governance.


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