Article Posted date
09 August 2021
2 min read
Numerous professional bodies have been discussing with HMRC the availability of the UK inheritance tax (IHT) spouse exemption in relation to assets held in a trust that are treated as beneficially owned by the settlor as a result of the reservation of benefit rules.
HMRC has since indicated its agreement to the analysis set out below and on 1 March 2021 amended the IHT manual (IHTM14303) to reflect this.
A brief overview of the rules is summarised below.
- Property subject to a reservation at the donor’s death is treated by s102(3) Finance Act 1986 as “property to which he was beneficially entitled immediately before his death”.
- Section 4 IHTA 1984 requires tax on death to be charged as if the deceased had made a transfer of value and “the value transferred had been equal to the value of his estate immediately before his death”.
- Section 5(1) IHTA 1984 provides that a person’s estate is “the aggregate of all property to which he is beneficially entitled”.
- A chargeable tranfer is a transfer of value which is not an exempt transfer.
- Section 18(1) IHTA 1984 provides that a transfer of value is an exempt transfer “to the extent that the value transferred is attributable to property which becomes comprised in the estate of the transferor’s spouse”
- It follows that spousal relief applies to settled property subject to a reservation if on the death of the settlor the settlor’s spouse becomes beneficially entitled to the property under either:
- the original terms of the settlement; or
- a subsequent appointment made thereunder and prior to the settlor’s death.
- The same would apply where the spouse’s entitlement on the death of the settlor is to a qualifying interest in possession, i.e. to an interest in possession to which section 49 IHTA 1984 applies.
- It is not considered spousal relief applies where settled property ceases to be subject to a reservation inter vivos. This is because s102(4) Finance Act 1986 operates by deeming there to be a potentially exempt tranfer rather than by deeming the donor to be beneficially entitled to the gifted property.
John Riva
Head of Tax
KPMG Crown Dependencies
+44 (0) 1534 608401 John
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Robert Rotherham
Partner, Tax
KPMG Crown Dependencies
+44 1624 681000 Robert
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