Spring 2024 | Tax Update Seminar


Our Tax Update Seminar, will be held on 17 April 2024 at the KPMG office in Glategny Court, Guernsey. 

The UK’s Spring budget of 6 March 2024 proposed fundamental reform of the UK’s non-dom regime which would see the removal of domicile as a concept, the removal of the remittance basis of taxation and a move to an entirely residency based system of taxing income, gains and applying IHT.

To assess the changes, the impact on Guernsey and offshore trust and company structures and potential planning opportunities, KPMG will be holding an in-person seminar in collaboration with our UK firm at our Guernsey office on 17 April at 8:30am. 


Head of Tax Tony Mancini, will lead the session with analysis provided from Head of FOPC Paul Beale and Joseph Milward, from KPMG in the Crown Dependencies.

In addition, we are delighted to welcome guest speakers Gavin Shaw, Head of FOPC for London and Hannah Keens, UK FOPC Tax Director. 


We expect this event to be at full capacity so please register at your earliest convenience. 

Please register to attend here.

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