KPMG has created a pay equity tool

There is increased awareness in the UK and Europe on equal pay and pay transparency, with increased pressure across jurisdictions to ensure that men and women are paid equally for equal work. With expertise across reward consulting, employment law, data and technology, we are ideally placed to guide you in navigating your equal pay obligations and requirements to be transparent with employees on pay.

As part of our commitment to guide and navigate clients, KPMG has created a pay equity tool.

KPMG Law’s pay equity tool is a legal tech solution that helps employers to identify disparities in pay between men and women performing equal work. The tool allows clients to identify risk areas within their business. In addition, the tool allows employers to gain insight into how pay disparities have arisen, alter policies that are causing disparities and consider more immediate action e.g. using up-coming pay reviews to alleviate disparities.

KPMG Law’s pay equity tool is flexible and we will work with clients to “bespoke” the tool to their workforce and reward structures, so that clients will be able to benefit from meaningful analysis on pay equity in their organisation.

KPMG Law’s pay equity tool puts employers in a great position to help them comply with the UK Equal Pay regime. This is more important than ever as the risk of equal pay litigation is front of mind for many employers with high value cases hitting the press frequently, with very significant outcomes for employers. Our tool also helps employers who are either required to or who challenge themselves to comply with the EU Pay Transparency Directive which comes into force from 2026 onwards, which essentially requires employers in EU Member States to carry out pay equity reporting.

Get in touch with our pay equity experts

Our multi-disciplinary team can look at employment and pay compliance issues in the round and provide legally privileged advice to allow you to understand any technical compliance obligations, test out the current-state position and risk assess in a controlled and confidential manner. That means we can help you identify any issues and put in place the systems, processes and working practices to address them.