Reliably protecting your intellectual property rights is a prerequisite for doing business in Ukraine and abroad. Intellectual property is a key asset for any company, but especially those operating in industries like software, pharmaceuticals, engineering, fashion, media, etc.

KPMG Law Ukraine provides comprehensive legal services on all matters related to intellectual property, from creating and registering intellectual property to the enforcing intellectual property rights in courts. Our expertise also covers any related relevant matter in fields such as media and advertising, information technology, information security, pharmaceutical patents, etc. No matter your IP needs, the KPMG Law Ukraine team has comprehensive solutions tailored to each clients’ specific requirements.


  • Registering trademarks, patents, copyrights
  • Recognising well-known trademarks
  • Drafting internal regulations for protecting trade secrets
  • Legal analysis of intellectual property rights, risk evaluation, and developing risk mitigation strategies
  • Drafting and analysing intellectual property agreements, settlement, and intellectual property issues in contracts
  • Tax issues in the field of intellectual property
  • Structuring the payment of royalties to employees for creating intellectual property
  • Representing client interests in all disputes regarding intellectual property issues in court, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, and other state bodies