One of the most important challenges for board members is to build a foundation of trust - with management, the investment community, regulatory agencies and the public. The stakes are high and the margin for error is low. While new standards are emerging, one thing remains clear: the responsibility for adopting sound governance practices has been placed squarely on the shoulders of corporate directors and officers.

Our professionals can support companies in enhancing their corporate governance framework by providing consulting services in areas such as:

  • Assessing governance structure in the context of the business environment and business risks, focusing on such areas as improving board operations, embedding governance principles in corporate culture, monitoring and evaluation, and stewardship;
  • Ensuring compliance with applicable or market best practice corporate governance codes (e.g. Stock Exchange corporate governance code, National Bank of Romania’s or Financial Supervision Authority’s corporate governance requirements, Combined Code);
  • Board self-assessment frameworks; and
  • Design and implementation of internal control systems meeting both business and, if applicable, regulatory requirements (i.e. for each function – compliance, risk management and internal audit).

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