Audit Committee Institute

Audit Committee Institute - Sri Lanka

KPMG’s Audit Committee Institutes (ACIs) provides audit committee and board members with practical insights, resources, and peer exchange opportunities focused on strengthening oversight of financial reporting and audit quality, and the array of challenges facing boards and businesses today – from risk management and emerging technologies to strategy and global compliance.

Similar to the ACIs activities, KPMG Sri Lanka facilitates Audit Committee forum dicussions periodicaly. The Forum, which was formed with help from the Sri Lanka Institute of Directors (SLID), has had quarterly sessions since June 2014. The initiative seeks to bring together Audit Committee Members to discuss key issues and challenges in a way that is meaningful and relevant to them and helps them become more effective in their roles.

KPMG Sri Lanka continues to facilitate the forum discussions led by Suren Rajakarier, Partner and Head of Audit, KPMG Sri Lanka.

 The forum facilitates Audit Committee members

  • to keep up with relevant business issues and generally enhance audit committee practices and processes.
  • conducts regular ACI Roundtables that function as a forum and ideas exchange for audit committee members
  • publishes the findings of local and overseas surveys of audit committee practices      
  • produces the Across the board newsletter for audit committee members and other directors
  • hosts special interest workshops (e.g. financial reporting requirements).

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