In the realm of strategy, policy development, and government compliance, organisations encounter formidable challenges. At KPMG, our Strategic Advisory Services are tailored to navigate these complexities.

With expertise spanning policy and strategy development, feasibility studies, business case development, procurement strategies and compliance assurance, we empower clients to tackle critical decisions effectively.

Discover how our specialised guidance can propel your projects forward with confidence and compliance.

How we can help


Strategy and Policy Development

We can help to develop strategies for your existing and proposed infrastructure assets across the various stages of the project lifecycle.

Our experience can help you to grapple with big commercial decisions such as; how to deliver on your decarbonisation targets, how to deliver on your EV charging ambitions, or whether to extend the life of a critical asset or to invest in a replacement.

We can also help you with policy development that aligns with your organisation’s objectives. 


Feasibility studies

We can help to develop feasibility studies for proposed projects or programmes. This can typically involve comprehensive analysis of market dynamics, detailed stakeholder engagement, options identification and analysis, an assessment of costs and benefits, risk assessments, and ultimately providing a recommendation with a clear implementation plan. 


Business cases

We have extensive experience in developing business cases for projects and programmes both in Ireland (in accordance with the Infrastructure Guidelines) and in Northern Ireland (in accordance with UK’s Better Business Case guidance).

We believe that a business case is an opportunity to showcase your proposed project and we develop our business cases to ensure that projects are presented accordingly. We provide a comprehensive service offering covering the following: policy alignment, shortlisting of options, financial appraisal, economic appraisal, affordability assessments, risk assessment, and monitoring and evaluation plans.


Procurement strategy development

At an Early/ Pre-Market Procurement stage we can assist with developing procurement options taking into consideration delivery options, implementation timelines, capacity and capability to deliver the project, market capacity, and governance arrangements.

We can also support you throughout the entire procurement process from pre-qualification of candidates to Invitation to Tender, Invitation to Negotiate, Evaluation of tenderers all the way through to award of contract. We can also support you with implementing green procurement practices to support ESG goals. 

Case study: Housing projects in Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) areas

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Before KPMG's involvement, a county council faced the daunting task of navigating the Infrastructure Guidelines decision gates for a housing project in an SDZ area. With a capital investment exceeding €200 million, the project required additional oversight and adherence to stringent requirements.

The council aimed to develop a Preliminary Business Case (PBC) and Final Business Cases (FBCs) for housing development works totalling over €1.4 billion. The complexity of the project necessitated oversight from independent experts, the Department of Housing, and the Major Projects Advisory Group.

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With KPMG's expertise, the county council successfully navigated the Infrastructure Guidelines decision gates for the housing project in the SDZ area. KPMG delivered a comprehensive Preliminary Business Case and is currently developing six individual Full Business Cases for each site at Decision Gate 3, aligning with regulatory standards and governance practices.

The team conducted detailed demand analysis, financial and economic modelling, and risk assessments to ensure the viability and sustainability of the project. Key features included business case development, governance, financial and economic modelling, strategic report development, program management, demand analysis, and procurement strategy.

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Looking ahead, the county council is poised to advance the housing project in the SDZ area to its next phase. With a solid foundation laid by KPMG's guidance, the council will focus on executing the strategic roadmap outlined in the business cases. This includes integrating six individual sites into one cohesive project plan and managing the phased construction period effectively.

Financial modelling and projections for the development, operations, maintenance, and financing of housing units, spanning various tenure types, remain critical. KPMG's continued support will be invaluable as the council addresses complex challenges related to establishing the financial viability of new housing models.

Additionally, KPMG will continue to provide delivery guidance on the affordable housing strategy, procurement, and financial support to ensure the successful delivery of this major housing development.

Contact our Infrastructure & Government team

For experienced guidance on public and private sector projects, get in touch with our team below -  today. We look forward to hearing from you.

Michele Connolly
Michele Connolly
Head of Corporate Finance and Head of Infrastructure
Paul O'Neill
Paul O'Neill
Managing Director, Corporate Finance
Neil Collins
Neil Collins
Managing Director, Corporate Finance
Matthew King
Matthew King
Director, Corporate Finance
Christopher Rainbird
Christopher Rainbird
Director, Corporate Finance

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