What does Budget 2025 mean for you, your family and your wallet? Our tax calculator will help you to quickly assess your bottom line.

As the tax rules are complex, it has been necessary to restrict the scenarios to the criteria listed below.

The following assumptions have also been made.

Person using calculator seen from above

Budget 2025 tax calculator assumptions

This calculator will provide an estimate of your tax position following the announcement of the 2025 Budget on 1 October 2024. As the tax rules are complex, it is necessary to restrict the scenarios to those categories included in the marital status selection menu.

The calculator is for general information purposes only. Professional advice should be taken regarding your specific circumstances.

Key assumptions and information for 2025:

  1. Employment Income
    Includes salary and benefits in kind but no other income.
  2. Self-Employed/Other Income
    If self-employed only include income earned outside of the PAYE system and do not include Irish rental income. It is assumed that income taxed at special rates, e.g., deposit interest subject to DIRT, and that special tax reliefs other than those specifically considered by the calculator are not relevant. Income excludes all welfare payments and the impact of holding a medical card is ignored.
  3. Irish Rental Income
    Irish rental income includes the net taxable Irish rental income for the period (before any exemption) that may apply. For married two earner taxpayers, it is assumed that rental income is earned with respect to a jointly own property.
  4. Pension contributions and net take home pay
    Pension contributions paid, along with tax payable, are deducted from gross income to arrive at net take home pay.
  5. Tax payable amount
    Includes PRSI, USC and Income tax (but excludes local property taxes). This does not include any possible impact of the high income earner relief restriction, or USC surcharges which can apply where specified property reliefs are utilised.
  6. Age
    Assumes aged between 16 and 99 years of age. Assumes spouses / civil partners are the same age as one another.
  7. Children
    Assumes children are dependent children for which you are entitled to child benefit. Assumes no twins/multiples. The tax calculator does not include the once off newborn child benefit payment of €420.
  8. Single
    If you select this status and have children, it is assumed that you are living with your partner and therefore do not qualify for the single parent credit, or the single parent standard rate cut off band.
  9. Single parent
    Assumes that you are the principal carer of your children and that you are not living with a partner.
  10. Married 2 earner
    Assumes income is earned evenly by both earners and comes from the same source (i.e., employed, or self-employed).
  11. Civil partnerships
    People in civil partnerships should select the equivalent marital status.
  12. Tax Credits
    The only tax credits included where applicable are the personal tax credit, PAYE tax credit, age tax credit, earned income credit, renters’ credit, and home carer credit. Relief is also provided with respect to mortgage interest relief and small landlord’s relief, where eligible. The earned income credit is not available where a person is eligible for the PAYE credit. Assumes that individuals renting property are entitled to the full renters’ tax credit in 2024 and 2025. The retrospective 2024 renters’ credit increase is not reflected in the 2024 nor 2025 figures.
  13. Mortgage interest relief
    Mortgage interest relief is assumed to be available with respect to one property only. Where so selected, it is assumed that the necessary conditions for the relief are met.
  14. Small landlords’ relief
    Where an input is made with respect to Irish rental income in the calculator, it is assumed that the necessary conditions for the small landlords’ relief are met and that a clawback with respect to the relief will not arise in the future.
  15. Home carer tax credit
    Assumes that child benefit is received in respect of dependent children and the spouse does not earn income in excess of €7,200.
  16. PRSI
    The monthly figures assumes that PRSI is collected evenly throughout the year and that the 0.1% increase in the PRSI rates occurs from 1 October 2025 onwards. The weekly PRSI credit is only available to employees that earn less than €22,048 per annum. Where self-employed status is selected, it is assumed PRSI is payable at class S PRSI, thus no PRSI credit is available. Where employee status applies, it is assumed PRSI is payable at class A. It is assumed where the individual is over 66 years, they are in receipt of the State Pension.
  17. Universal Social Charge (USC)
    Individuals with total income of €13,000 or less are exempt from USC. A reduced rate of 2% applies where an individual has aggregate income of €60,000 or less and is (a) aged 70 or over, or (b) holds a full medical card.
  18. Local Property Tax
    Local property tax liabilities are ignored.

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