Nick Stevens

Partner, Private Equity Group

KPMG Crown Dependencies

Nick started his career at KPMG in the Channel Islands firm as a chartered accountant in 2000.

Three years of his career were also spent on secondment to KPMG in London working within the firm’s Private Equity Group.

Nick specialises in private equity and leads the Private Equity Group of KPMG in the Crown Dependencies, a fast growing sector that spans an extensive client base of private equity, private debt, and venture capital investment funds and fund managers. Through his role Nick has broad experience of leading teams in the delivery of professional services to the alternative funds industry for both private and listed vehicles.

He is active in developing thought leadership in private equity, notably in the areas of investment valuation and technology, and regularly presents on these topics. He also leads the delivery of the firm’s track record assurance services which are designed for fund managers wishing to raise new investor capital.

  • Alternative Investments
  • Financial Services
  • High Growth Markets
  • High Net Worth Individuals
  • International Markets
  • Investment Management
  • Private Equity
  • Small Enterprises
  • Small Entities
  • Venture Capital Funds