Linda Johnson

Partner, Advisory

KPMG Crown Dependencies

Linda is an Advisory Partner responsible for leading Risk and Restructuring for KPMG in the Crown Dependencies.

She is a chartered accountant and has worked with KPMG since moving to Guernsey in 2001, taking a short break for parental leave between 2005 and 2008.  Prior to moving to Guernsey, she worked in New Zealand and banking in London.

Linda specialises in financial services regulatory and risk engagements, undertaking reviews in areas such as governance, financial crime (AML/CFT), internal audit and forensic investigations. She also leads KPMG’s restructuring and insolvency business in the Channel Islands, and has significant experience liquidating listed investment funds.

Linda has worked with Guernsey and Jersey based private wealth, banking, insurance and fund businesses on a range of internal audit, regulatory review and remediation engagements. Through this work she has developed a deep understanding of risk management issues and strong relationships with key decision makers and regulators in the local industry.

In addition to financial services Linda has also worked on a number of Government advisory engagements, and she is a past Chairman of Institute of Directors (Guernsey branch).

Linda is a member of ARIES (the Channel Islands branch of INSOL international) and sits on the legal and regulatory committee for Guernsey.  She also sits on the committee of the Guernsey Association of Compliance Officers (’GACO’).


Contact Linda Johnson


Mobile: +44 (0) 7781 137682

  • Advisory
  • Financial Restructuring
  • Financial Services
  • Financial restructuring
  • Insolvency
  • Internal Audit, Risk and Compliance Services
  • Internal audit
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Regulatory Risk