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Church organisations, like many organisations in the public sector, are currently undergoing major changes. Diverse influences create significant pressure for adaptation. This concerns the core church area as well as the numerous church legal entities. Due to demographic change and the associated changes in the membership structure, the resources of the church legal entities and the financing models will change to a great extent in the coming years. Digitalisation of all areas of life and organisation is rapidly progressing. Legislation in many areas of law is changing significantly, for example tax law, labour law or data protection legislation. An ever-increasing need among members and the public at large for transparency in the area of finances, structures and decisions requires effective control and steering mechanisms.

We support church organisations with services developed specifically for the church sector. Our solutions are intended to contribute to the sustainable development of resources and finances, to guarantee the necessary transparency with the required quality, and to ensure that church activities are legally secure and responsible. We want to help you create secure structures for tomorrow.

11th KPMG Symposium Church and Administration

Using church resources effectively: Securing the future through budget consolidation on 11-12 September 2024 in Berlin

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