Transformation of Taiwan CEOs, Brand Reputation over CP value
Transformation of Taiwan CEOs
KPMG Taiwan issued its “2016 Taiwan CEO Outlook” today
KPMG Taiwan issued its “2016 Taiwan CEO Outlook” today. The Chairman& CEO of KPMG Taiwan, Mr Winston Yu, shared the results that over 70% of Taiwan CEOs hold a conservative but optimal view toward Taiwan’s future economy. Although there is optimism on the global economy in the coming year, given that domestic enterprise are facing transformation and instability in its political situation, the CEOs held a more cautious approach toward Taiwan’s economic growth.
Winston expressed that the Taiwan CEOs believe that society’s expectation to corporate sustainability will be a key factor impacting a business’s growth. As the result have shown, domestic enterprises are no longer evaluating success solely on competitiveness, price or cost down approach, but rather starting to consider its long-term vision, paying attention to climate change, brand reputation, innovation and transformation etc as a strategy development, leading the overall business to sustainable development as the goal.”
The report also found that 50% of Taiwan CEOs believe that to enhance the welfare of employees is the key factor to keep and attract talents. In terms of recruitment, CEOs found that the primary incentive is leadership training (46%), followed by other welfares and vacation days off. As for retaining talents, non-financial awards (48%) are ranked top of the list, followed by salaries (40%) and promotion (40%), Winston said that it is evident that salaries and bonuses are not the top priority for job seekers, whether or not the enterprises can provide a friendly and supporting environment as well as potential for growth would be the key for talent retention.
The attendants of the forum include Mr Sai Choy Tham (Chairman of KPMG ASPAC Region), Mr Tung, Tzu-Hsien (Chairman of Pegatron), Mr Chen, Tain-Jy, (Chairman of the National Development Council), which shows the importance of this survey.
KPMG indicates that the survey had covered 18 countries and nearly 1,300 of CEOs, with a view to deeply understand their views and assessments towards the different factors and future opportunities affecting businesses. In this year’s survey, Sai Choy specifically identified 3 main points relating to Taiwan, namely, innovation, enterprise transformation and cyber security.
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