Premier expresses support for social responsibility alliance

Premier expresses support

The Social Enterprise Commitment Foundation announced the formation of a corporation alliance.

Premier expresses support for social responsibility alliance

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The Social Enterprise Commitment Foundation (SECF, 社會企業公約基金會), headed by prominent economist Ma Kai (馬凱), announced the formation of a corporation alliance Tuesday that brings together and encourages enterprises to contribute to society.

Premier Lin Chuan (林全) expressed his support for the alliance in his opening remarks.

"I strongly agree with my former colleague Ma Kai on the mission of this alliance." Lin said. "I believe they will create a positive impact on society, generating a virtuous cycle. "Lin referenced the common saying that local people are the most beautiful scenery of Taiwan, and said that Ma believed businesses should improve themselves as individuals and seek to create change for the better.

"Corporations are the cause of many social problems that have occurred in recent years, such as the food scare, a widening income gap between the wealthy and the poor, and excessively long working hours," said the SECF president."But with their resources and power, enterprises are also the only hope of making a change."Ma encouraged more companies to instill five core beliefs into their corporate missions: being merciful to people, making employees happy, being honest to customers, saving energy for the sustainability of the planet, and giving employees opportunities to continue to learn and grow.

Companies that signed on to the alliance, which joined the press conference on Tuesday, included leading real estate agency Sinyi Realty (信義房屋), Everest Textile Co. (宏遠興業), Ever Rich Duty Free Shop (昇恆昌), major accounting services firm KPMG (安侯建業) and Lianan Wellness Center (聯安預防醫學機構). 

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