70% of Taiwan CEO is conservatively optimistic on the Economy
70% of Taiwan CEO is conservatively
KPMG announced its 2016 Taiwan CEO Outlook today where around 70% of Taiwan CEOs is conservatively optimistic on the Taiwan economy.
KPMG announced its 2016 Taiwan CEO Outlook today where around 70% of Taiwan CEOs is conservatively optimistic on the Taiwan economy. IT security is regarded as a common enterprise risk across different countries. The report also revealed that around 50% of Taiwan CEOs believe that raising employees’ benefits is the key encouragement factor for recruitment and retain talents. Over 90% of CEOs showed intention to recruit new employees in the next 3 years.
The report shows that only 14% of the Taiwan CEOs are extremely confident to the economy growth in Taiwan in the upcoming year. Although such percentage is lower than China (44%), ASEAN (18%) and globally (26%), there is still 58% of the Taiwan CEOs feel optimistic. As a whole, 46% of ASEAN CEOs have doubt to their countries’ future development. In comparison to the ASEAN countries, Taiwan CEOs are more optimistic with 72% having a positive attitude towards Taiwan’s future economic growth in the upcoming year.
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