KPMG provides audit, tax and advisory services. We work closely with our clients, helping them to mitigate risks and grasp opportunities.
KPMG provides audit, tax and advisory services. We work closely with our clients...
About KPMG International
KPMG is a global organization of independent professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. KPMG is the brand under which the member firms of KPMG International Limited (“KPMG International”) operate and provide professional services. “KPMG” is used to refer to individual member firms within the KPMG organization or to one or more member firms collectively.
KPMG firms operate in 143 countries and territories, collectively employed more than 273,000 partners and people, serving the needs of business, governments, public-sector agencies, not-for-profits and through KPMG firms' audit and assurance practices, the capital markets. KPMG is committed to quality and service excellence in all that we do, bringing our best to clients and earning the public's trust through our actions and behaviors both professionally and personally.
KPMG International Limited is a private English company limited by guarantee. KPMG International Limited and its related entities do not provide services to clients.
For more detail about our structure please visit: kpmg.com/governance
About KPMG in Taiwan
KPMG in Taiwan was founded in 1952 by Mr. Andrew A. H. Chang. The firm entered into an association with Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co. in 1971, making it one of the oldest internationally affiliated accounting firms in Taiwan. In 1987, with the worldwide merger of Peat Marwick International (PMI) and Klynveld Main Goerdeler(KMG). In 1987, the firm merged with KMG's practice in Taiwan and became a member firm of KPMG.
Effective January 1, 1999, the firm merged with the Taiwan member firm of Coopers & Lybrand.
KPMG in Taiwan operate as:
- KPMG Advisory Services Co., Ltd.
- KPMG Assurance Services Co., Ltd.
- KPMG Cybersecurity Co.
- KPMG Sustainability Consulting Co., Ltd.
- KPMG Carbon Resource Assurance and Advisory Services Co., Ltd.
- KPMG Pharmaceutical and Life Science Consulting Co. Ltd.
- KPMG Deal Advisory Limited
- KPMG Real Estate Advisory Co., Ltd.
- KPMG Sustainability Foundation
Connect with us
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- Social media @ KPMG kpmg.socialMedia
- Request for proposal