Insurer and Pension Service Provider Survey
Insurer and Pension Service Provider Survey
Article Posted date1 febrero 2016
Against the backdrop of a dynamic an uncertain economic climate, change in the new constant, and with this change comes challenge. As does every sector, the insurance and pension service provider industry, too, faces several challenges. In this context (see ‘setting the scene’), we conducted a survey to investigate some of the industry’s primary challenges and the reason why they can be difficult to overcome.
In an environment of fast-paced technological change, the insurance and pension service provider industry continues to evolve rapidly. The use of new technologies is generating new opportunities. New entrants (with no legacy) are well-positioned to deal this change, particular by leveraging mobile technology and social media. Another change facing the insurance industry is the digital insurer. Digital insurers derive no legacy and benefit from their data- riven business models (e.g., Google, Amazon, Apple, and other retailers), which fundamentally changes the way in which insurance is purchased and sold.
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