The Changing Landscape of Disruptive Technologies
The Changing Landscape of Disruptive Technologies
KPMG’s annual Technology Innovation publication, The Changing Landscape of Disruptive Technologies, provides an outlook of emerging technology trends on a global scale, including insights from over 800 leading technology industry visionaries ranging from serial startup entrepreneurs to Fortune 100 tech industry leaders and venture capitalists.
A wide range of countries continue to invest in the creation of ecosystems and offer government incentives to attract companies driving technology innovation. Some countries are finding success in facilitating the next wave of innovation, while others continue to fight macroeconomic and infrastructure challenges.
Silicon Valley’s ecosystem and culture remains the model for every city around the world aspiring to become a tech innovation leader. We continue to see the Bay Area as the mecca for tech innovation and the creation of new business models.
And more than ever, companies in other industries, including automotive, finance, medical and others, are shifting operations to Silicon Valley to collaborate with tech leaders and learn how to be nimble and disruptive.
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