REACTION - Chemicals Magazine

REACTION - Chemicals Magazine

The future of chemical conglomerates and demand-driven supply chain

Cañas, Claudia

Socia, Líder Energía y Recursos Naturales

KPMG in Colombia

Correo electrónico

Welcome to our first edition of Reaction Magazine for 2016. Unfortunately, the mood in the industry and the wider global economy is much more downbeat then when we closed out 2015 with our last edition, just 4 months ago. With continued slowdown in China, the disruption of a US Presidential election, fears over `Brexit’ and stock market volatility around the world, business confidence has been shaken. Our medium-term view is that the fundamentals underlying the global chemical industry remain strong. 

In this edition, we bring you a focus on how chemical companies can respond to the ongoing disruption in supply chains brought about by the dislocation of supply and demand in the global industry. We also have a special feature on the DowDuPont transaction and what that means in the context of wider strategic moves within the chemical industry.

We’ll be back with our next edition in June with an outlook for a number of the chemical industry’s key end markets. If there are any other topics you would like us to cover in future editions of Reaction, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Finally, in light of the recent terrorist atrocities in Brussels, a word for our friends and clients in Belgium — our thoughts are with you all at this terrible time.

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