On the 2016 Higher Education Audit Committee Agenda
On the 2016 Higher Education Audit Committee Agenda
Even in the absence of any new agenda items, the risks that many audit committees have had on their plates for some time—e.g., cybersecurity and IT risk, legal and regulatory compliance, conflicts of interest, and related-party transactions—have become more complex, as have the audit committee’s core responsibilities. Keeping the committee effective and efficient requires an agenda that is focused and manageable.
The audit committee chair’s leadership—in setting the committee’s tone (engaged, informed, probing, and willing to challenge management when appropriate) and agenda—is vital to the committee’s effectiveness and cannot be overemphasized. It is entirely appropriate to spend time between meetings working with management and auditors to help ensure that all relevant issues are identified and addressed by the committee.
To help the audit committee stay focused and efficient, a leading practice is to create a formal “responsibilities checklist and calendar” aligned with the audit committee’s charter. Also, consider using a “consent agenda” to address items that are routine and do not require discussion.
A strong onboarding or orientation process for new audit committee members—even those who have served on other audit committees—will enable new members to add value more quickly. In addition to covering the “basics,” unique higher education issues (operating and financial reporting) and trends should be addressed.
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