Banking and Capital Markets
Banking and Capital Markets
Global Banking practice combines industry knowledge, tax, regulatory and program management skills to deliver successful transformation programs.
The Banking practice combines industry knowledge, tax, and other skills
Disruption. Regulation. Cost.
These are three key themes that link the many challenges retail, commercial and investment banks face in today’s rapidly evolving financial services industry. From navigating the phasing out of LIBOR and other reference rates internationally and JIBAR locally and meeting the demands of the Central Bank stress testing to implementing new technologies such as AI, robotics and blockchain and transitioning to new, low-cost structures while driving value creation – banks are under pressure from several fronts; including a key focus on regulatory driven transformation as well as combating financial crime.
KPMG can help. We have a global, multi-disciplinary team of professionals who know how to deliver successful outcomes. Our close connection with regulators, understanding of key issues, and deep industry knowledge aims to lead to smooth collaboration and practical execution. We are continuously evolving and growing to help ensure we always have the capabilities, strategies and alliance partners to deliver the insight-driven, fact-based and technology-enabled services that drive sustainable value.
The banking sector is having to transform at pace – from addressing the issues arising from the 2008 Financial Crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic as well as managing geopolitical risks, to shifting to a far more digital operating and distribution model. To thrive in an era of digital currencies and contactless payments, your business needs to operate seamlessly across virtual and physical domains. It is evident that an increased transition to digital services has created the opportunity for you to unlock cost savings and redesign core business areas through leveraging technologies such as cloud and automation. Technology is also underpinning some fundamental changes in the way we work. The need to ensure you are building resilient processes, teams, and organisations is clear. Entities are now required to adopt new risk models and strategies to ensure they successfully manage the new challenges across cyber, third-party risk, and financial resilience.
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