Product /Customer Lifecycle Management
Product /Customer Lifecycle Management
Maintain an ideal product/customer lifecycle.
Maintain an ideal product/customer lifecycle.
Overall business context has shifted from process- or product-centric to customer-centric and hence customer life cycle-centric. Lifecyle started to happen in omni channel world. Your customers come to your sites, shops, leave footprints, and move on. The problem in the omni-channel world is that customers are invisible without clear definitions and continuous tracking methodology.
According to KPMG insight, The Customer Life Cycle starts with reaching your target market, progresses towards an established loyal customer base and ideally ends up with customer engagement. Yet, along the way, many individual customer life cycles are cut short by abandonment and attrition.We help our clients to find insights in order to measure, manage and re-architect the life cycle of the entire customer and product groups. As a result, we end up with revenue increase at every step along the customer journey, which improves customer retention and total “life time value".
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