Act now on innovation as disruption revolutionizes the rules: Part two

Act now on innovation: Part two

act now on innovation

KPMG firms typically see a "disconnect" today between leaders and their information-technology function that results in insufficient analysis of future business needs - including cyber secutiry. Firms needs to create new levels of alignment and collaboration between senior executives and their IT function in order to begin treating disruption and innovation as significant business opportunities rather than as "IT problems".

This will require senior executives to develop a much greater understanding of the unprecedented impact technology and digitization is having on businesses overall, including cyber security. As the survey revealed, many CEOs admit to feeling uncertain about how well-prepared their business is to respond a cyber-security breach.

An increased understanding of the impact of technology among senior leaders and boards can drive more informed and sophisticated dialogue across the organization on the nature of new and unfamiliar threats that could disrupt entire processes and operations.

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