ESG is top of the global agenda, especially in the financial services industry. Financial players are the engine driving the ESG transition not only for themselves but the wider economy. We are at the beginning of a rapidly accelerating transition that will shape the business and finance landscape, what does this mean for your organisation?

- Market opportunity

Trillions of dollars have shifted into ESG-linked financial products and services opening up new markets. Today global ESG investing is estimated at over $30 trillion AUM (Assets Under Management), by 2025 it is expected that approximately a third of all global AUM are forecast to have ESG mandates.

- Social responsibility

Financial services, as a key player in the global economy, have a responsibility to be at the forefront of the transition towards a sustainable future.

- Resilience

While COVID-19 exposed shortcomings in societal systems and economies, the ‘new reality’ provides scope for sustainable strategies to be the core of organisational operations.

- Regulation

ESG regulation will impact every organisation, it will be crucial to develop an inclusive, sustainable finance framework

What can we do?

Our expert multi-disciplinary team bring together a deep understanding of financial services business models coupled with new thinking and innovation around ESG.

Our services include:

  • ESG Strategy – developing a robust ESG strategy and target operating model and organisational design.
  • Sustainable Finance - understanding the ESG implications on your organisation’s products and services.
  • ESG Policy and Procedures – reviewing and designing policy with a focus of expertise on human rights.
  • Social propositions around areas such a diversity inclusion and modern slavery
  • ESG Regulation and Regulation Driven Transformation – breaking down your requirements and ensuring compliance.
  • ESG Reporting and Assurance – providing expertise in ESG reporting frameworks and implementation
  • ESG Risk Transformation - supporting on climate/integration into risk management frameworks and climate risk stress testing


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