HSS case studies
HSS case studies
KPMG human & social services professionals possess extensive experience in various service areas to help government agencies meet their objectives.
KPMG human & social services professionals possess extensive experience...
KPMG human and social services professionals combine extensive experience in a wide range of service areas with deep functional knowledge to help government agencies meet their objectives. To deliver insightful advice and strategies based on experience, our global Center of Excellence primarily focuses on nine key market segments.
Read the case studies below to learn more about KPMG's strengths, achievements and global capabilities in each market segment.
Child and family welfare
- A collaborative approach to evaluating an integrated service delivery model
- Assessing and improving child welfare reform outcomes
Disability services
- Delivering value for money in human and social services
- Bringing consistent and effective services to people with disabilities
Early childhood and youth development
Employment training/welfare to work
- Engaging the unemployed in the workforce
- Delivering value for money in human and social services
- Creating a sustainable payment by results model
First Nations and Aboriginals
- Integrating homelessness and social housing service delivery
- An efficient and customer-focused organization
Income security
- Modernizing the delivery of social security
- Delivering value for money in human and social services
- Integrating human services to enhance results
Nutritional support
Senior/aging populations
We want to hear your point of view on human and social services.
Contact your local KPMG Human and Social Services team, or email us at humansocialservices@kpmg.com.
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