Overview of EU Services
Overview of EU Services
Please see some of our key references
Please see some of our key references
Accountability of EU funding:
- EuropeAid: Multiple framework service contract for the provision of services in the field of audits of external aid actions, financed by the European Commission from the European Development Fund (EDF) and the general budget of the European Union
- ECHO: framework contracts for financial audit services for the DG ECHO partners EC/EFTA and the areas of the world where DG ECHO operates
- DG RTD: multiple framework contract in the field of external audit of participants in research grant agreements co-financed by the EC under the 7th framework programme (FP7) for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013)
- DG BUDG: Supply of technical assistance services for performance of audits and checks
Accounting & Financial reporting:
- ECB: Framework agreement for the provision of services and works for assessments and analysis of accounting, financial reporting and cost accounting/controlling
- ECB: Provision of management consultancy services
- OHIM: Expert financial services in relation to treasury management
- DG TRADE: Training courses on cost accounting, principles of consolidation and IFRS
Fraud detection and prevention:
- EIB: Multiple framework contract on EIB fraud investigations
Digitalisation/ICT Environment:
- ENISA: Supporting critical information infrastructures protection and ICS-SCADA security activities
- DG DIGIT: Information and communication technology advice, benchmarking and consulting services (ABC III)
- DG RTD: ISS-Horizon 2020 — external services provision for development, studies and support of information systems
Better Regulation/ Strategy and Policy advice:
- JRC - IPTS: Study on the role of ICT-enabled Social Innovation promoting social investment
- DG REGIO: 'Ex post' evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2007–2013, focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund (CF) - work package 4: large enterprises, 5: transport, 12: delivery system
- European Parliament: Multiple framework service contract in 11 lots for provision of external expert services in the fields of impact assessment and European added value (Lot 4: Industry, research and energy)
- DG ENER: A study on energy costs and subsidies in the European Union
- DG ENV: Study to support an ex-ante assessment for a natural capital financing facility
- DG ECFIN: Study to assess the financial situation of state-owned enterprises
- DG SANCO: multiple framework contract with reopening of competition for the provision of evaluation, impact assessment and related services to the European Commission in the areas of public health, consumer protection and the food chain
Technical Assistance, Capacity & Institutional Building:
- EuropeAid: Multiple framework contract to recruit short-term services in the exclusive interest of third countries benefiting from European Commission external aid - Lot 11: macroeconomy, statistics and public finance management
- EuropeAid EDF: Technical assistance to the programme for local economic development (ProDEL)
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