Client challenges
Client challenges
KPMG’s Global Defense sector brings together subject matter experts, functional specialists and defense leaders to create solution.
KPMG’s Defense Global COE brings together experts and specialists to create solution.
KPMG’s Defense subject matter experts create solutions that meet a wide range of client challenges.
- Developing and maintaining transformation programs in finance, logistics/supply chains, information technology, training and procurement to help foster cost effectiveness and efficiency without the loss of Defense capability;
- Taking advantage of opportunities to help reduce costs while maintaining operational capability through partnerships with the private sector;
- Helping improve costing capability by developing complete life cycle costs for the acquisition and through life support of new and existing capabilities;
- Supporting the equipment capability lifecycle at all stages including: requirements definition, acquisition, operation and through-life-support and disposal;
- Rationalizing key enabling function overheads in areas such as finance, HR, ICT and procurement while maintaining or enhancing the quality of service provided to operational forces.
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