I am pleased to announce the first edition of the Kuwait listed banks’ results (H1-2022) report. This report by KPMG Kuwait is patterned after the GCC listed banks’ results report and offers an comparison of performance by the listed banks in the country.
Kuwait’s banking industry sprung back to growth in 2021 after the COVID-19 induced slowdown, reaching record highs in terms of net profit and return on equity (RoE). Propelling this remarkable comeback was a combination of support from the government and well-timed enterprising measures that helped the sector brave the odds and come out robust and resilient.
The Kuwait listed banks’ results (H1-2022) report highlights how the country’s listed commercial banks performed on in first six months of 2022 as compared with 2021 on the basis of:
- Net profit;
- Total assets;
- Share prices;
- Return on equity and assets;
- Cost to income; and
- Loan by stage.
I am hopeful that you will benefit from this report. Your feedback is crucial — please feel free to reach out to us if you would like to discuss something or share your feedback.