The Strategic Climate Institutions Programme [SCIP]

The Strategic Climate Institutions Programme [SCIP]

SCIP Programme

We concluded the delivery of The Strategic Climate Institutions Programme (SCIP) in 2016. SCIP was a multimillion- dollar fund aimed at building Ethiopia’s capacity to cope with climate change and to respond to the challenges of transitioning to a climate resilient green economy. The fund comprised of contributions from the UK Government, the Norwegian Government and the Danish Government. Through a flexible grants process, the programme funded organizations that delivered strategic projects with a multiplier effect, by removing key obstacles to building climate resilience, or seizing opportunities in the green economy and supporting critical institutions charged with delivering Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy. Through SCIP, we managed 27 grantee projects maintaining technical quality and rigorous fiscal standards for the projects. An independent verification confirmed that our work affected 10,504 people directly so that they are now better able to cope with climate shocks with 2,575,605 benefiting in the same way indirectly and 3,407 jobs created. SCIP was implemented from 2012 to 2016

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