Exit of baby boomers from the workforce

Exit of baby boomers from the workforce

Is the employer ready?

Baby boomers Exit

The next five years will see a massive exit andeventual depletion of baby boomers from theworkforce. This should be a major concern tomany employers.


Baby boomers have been lauded as the most loyal,dependable and reliable group in the workforce.This is the segment of staff that would ‘stay’ nomatter what; different from the millennial who willnot only leave when opportunity arises, but willalso proactively look for opportunities to leave.Baby boomers learnt to ‘settle in’ due to the strongconnection they developed with their employer.According to a 2016 Fortune survey by theAssociated Press-NORC Center for Public AffairsResearch, baby boomers stay an average of 20years with the same employer. They are known tohave a strong work ethic and unlike the millennials,baby boomers are more ‘mentally focused’ thusable to concentrate on lengthy assignments and stillable to pay attention to every detail and multitaskeffectively.

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