KPMG 2017/2018 Uganda Budget Analysis

KPMG 2017/2018 Uganda Budget Analysis

The overall performance of the Uganda economy as measured by the real GDP is estimated to have grown by 4% for the financial year 2016/17 which is lower than 5% projected at the beginning of the year. The slower growth is mainly attributable to drought which was experienced at half year mark and the slowdown in execution of externally-financed public investment.

KPMG 2017/2018 Uganda Budget Analysis

The IMF projects that Uganda’s GDP will grow at 5% in
2016/17 and average of 6% to 6.5% over the medium
term. The main driver for the projected economic
growth activity will be the accelerated development and
construction of oil-related infrastructure. A slowdown
in the public sector infrastructure development could
undermine growth coupled with tightening global
financing conditions, cuts in aid flows and the negative
effect of climate conditions and pest infestations on the
agricultural sector.


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