Living up to customer expectations: a view from Banks CEOs

Living up to customer expectations

Today’s banking customers expect more than just good rates and secure services. They also expect a positive experience.

Living up to customer expectations: a view from Banks CEOs

The good news is that most banks have made great progress towards becoming more ‘customer-centric’ over the past few years. In part, this is because many bank CEOs have taken a personal interest in getting closer to their customers. Indeed, according to KPMG’s 2017 Global CEO Outlook, two-thirds of bank CEOs feel personally responsible for representing the best interests of their customers, and 65 percent say they can confidently articulate the customer value proposition.

At the same time, we have seen many of the large banks start to invest significant capital and resources into improving the customer focus of their organisations. They are testing out new technologies that promise to speed transactions and processes, taking steps to align their middleand back-office processes around the customer and developing fintech strategies to improve the customer experience.


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