The key to understanding your workforce. Introducing KPMG’s P³ BIO – using HR analytics to drive genuine insight.

The key to understanding your workforce.

Our BIO product suite offers various tools to address your needs:

BIO Workforce

Provides regular management information on key people metrics.

BIO Workforce+

Offers the same service as BIO Workforce but incorporates key business metrics such as sales or customer service scores.

BIO Performance

Identifies opportunities to improve business performance through people. By bringing together disparate data sets - both people-related (such as payroll, benefits, training, sickness etc) and performance-related (such as sales, customer service, error rates etc) – BIO performance identifies correlations and relationships previously hidden. This analysis provides insights that reveal the links between employees and business performance. The resulting recommendations help inform an HR strategy that not only supports, but truly drives business performance.

BIO Mobility (Coming Soon)

Enables interactive exploration of key measures relating to your international assignee population.

BIO Diversity

Analyses your workforce across diversity metrics. This module can model the impact of interventions to address diversity imbalances.

BIO Interactive (Coming Soon)

A free-to-use benchmarking application. Answer a short online survey regarding your key HR metrics, and these will be benchmarked against our database of FTSE 250 organisations.

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