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What is ESG?

ESG (environmental, social, governance) is a term that covers environmental, social and governance issues. The concepts act as pillars that aim to help stakeholders create an understanding of how companies can control risks and opportunities related to these concepts.

Navigating the ESG & corporate sustainability environment

The world faces major challenges. The growing climate crisis is driving increasing demands on businesses to implement sustainable initiatives and turn ESG into action. With ESG rising on leadership agendas globally, tax practices and governance are becoming critical ESG measures.

We want to help tax teams to better understand their role and the opportunities they have within the ESG agenda. All to secure a seat at the table for their companies’ sustainability strategy, and bring all the value that their tax function can and should deliver.

How can we assist you?

We help heads of tax have the tools to get a seat at the table for their companies’ sustainability strategy, and bring all the value that their tax function can and should deliver.

We help tax functions better understand their role and the opportunities they have within ESG, assess the tax function’s ESG maturity across seven key parameters, and help bridge the gaps where necessary.

In addition, we have developed specific knowledge and expertise to support you across the following sustainability & ESG in Tax areas:

  • Sustainability Reporting & Tax Transparency
  • Decarbonisation and the road to Net-Zero
  • Transfer Pricing perspectives of ESG led business transformations
  • Tax credits & incentives: Funding your sustainability strategy
  • Moving towards a green Employer Value Proposition

Why choose us?

We are an experienced and specialised team of professionals with diverse backgrounds and skills in tax advisory, audit, accounting, energy & environmental taxation, risk management, data analytics, and sustainability reporting.

Thus, we bring 360 degree tax knowledge to key ESG focus areas such as climate, sustainable finance, social and economic development, governance, measurement and reporting, all of which have tax implications that businesses should consider.