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Indirect Tax in a context

Value added tax (VAT) generally applies to all supplies of goods and services in Denmark. The standard local 25% VAT rate thereby represents a substantial financial impact on most transactions.

We experience an ever growing attention to indirect tax compliance.
Not only by the tax authorities, but especially by companies seeking to waive liabilities and costs and to optimise their savings and procedures.

How can we assist you?

Our Indirect Tax Team offers solid and highly qualified advisory and compliance services regarding VAT, customs and excise duties. We will gladly discuss and/or comment on any transactions or questions that your company may have in that regard. Our services include:

General indirect tax mapping and planning

  • We can assist with the general mapping and planning for both domestic and cross-border transactions with regard to VAT, customs and excise duties.

Negotiation/contact with the Danish tax authorities

  • We are pleased to either engage directly in communicating with the Danish tax authorities or to provide advisory services and/or second opinions on indirect tax matters requested.

Due diligence reviews

  • Whether as vendor or buyer, we provide highly professional and razor sharp findings and comments in any due diligence process.

Application for binding rulings

  • Binding rulings may be obtained from the Danish tax authorities on specific questions related to direct and indirect taxes. We are pleased to provide our assistance in applying for such ruling from the Danish tax authorities.

Advisory services on specific market segments

  • Through a robust, formal and practically based knowledge of various market segments such as real estate, non-profit, public, financial services, etc., we provide assistance on any related indirect tax matter.

Registration, compliance and VAT refund assistance



Why choose us?

Our Indirect Tax team has a quite unique practical understanding of business challenges and opportunities. This means that we are able to provide clear and solid advisory services tailored to specifically address your company's needs and concerns. In that lies the key to potentially maximising your savings, avoiding risks and costs and ultimately minimising your internal business process burdens. 

Our team consists of some of Denmark's most well-renowned, experienced and highly educated specialists within our field. Together, we share a passion for providing top-of-class strategies and sustainable advantages for all our clients.


Dive into a world of indirect taxes


Services - KPMG Acor Tax