The telecommunications industry has undergone considerable changes in most market places.
The telecommunications industry has undergone considerable changes in most market places.
The telecommunications industry has undergone considerable changes in most market places, brought about by technological change, deregulation, and M&A activity. Increased competition and falling tariffs for traditional services have forced incumbents to offer innovative new services and leverage their networks and customer bases as the new entrants seek to build market share and establish sustainable profitability.
Hong Kong has a dynamic and competitive telecommunications market place. It has one of the world's highest penetration rates for fixed line and mobile services and widespread use of broadband facilities. Mainland China is the largest mobile communications market in the world, and both its mobile and fixed line markets are growing at a rapid pace.
KPMG provides audit and other services to many of the leading telecommunications companies in China. With an experienced team of professionals who have substantial experience in serving clients in the communications sector, KPMG can offer a range of professional services to help support clients' business needs and help clients tackle the issues in the challenging market environment.
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