Disruptive companies and business models
Disruptive companies and business models
Article Posted date6 November 2019
Companies and business models expected to cause the most disruption in the next three years
Global technology industry leaders ranked eCommerce as the business model they expect to cause the most disruption to their businesses in the next three years. eCommerce giants are pioneering the use of new technologies like AI, speech recognition, drones, and autonomous vehicles. There are also frequent headlines about extending their reach and disrupting other sectors like food delivery, healthcare, insurance, energy, and prescription drugs.
Social networking platforms ranked second as they strive to capture an ever-larger percentage of consumer mind share and wallet with new offerings like exclusive and original content, live sporting events, augmented/virtual reality, educational services, and cryptocurrencies.
Certain industries are more susceptible to disruption than others. Over the next three years, survey respondents expect these industries to experience the greatest transformation as a direct result of emerging technologies:
- Telecommunications
- Industrial manufacturing
- Healthcare/Life sciences
- Aerospace and defense
- Financial services
From an individual company perspective, Amazon, Apple, and Alibaba were named by tech industry leaders as the companies they they worry the most about disrupting their business.
Other highlights from the report include the following:
- When asked to name their favorite app, social networking apps dominated the top of the tech company executives’ list.
- Despite the different motivations and characteristics of different generations, both experienced tech industry leaders and Millennials both largely view the same people as the top technology innovation visionaries.
Download the report to learn more.
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