KPMG's Consumer and Retail practice is co-ordinated formally on an international basis to ensure cohesion, consistency and an ability to deliver quality professional services, wherever our clients operate. We further categorise Consumer Markets into Retail sector, and Food, Drink and Consumer Products sector.

Companies competing in today's consumer markets have experienced unprecedented change. Retail and consumer products companies are having to respond at an ever greater pace to:

  • Increasingly sophisticated consumers
  • Global expansion of retailers
  • Consolidation and concentration on major brands among suppliers
  • Concerns about safety, quality, competition and ethical sourcing, leading to increasing regulation
  • New technologies
  • Issues in dealing with new markets, economic uncertainty and changing regulations

KPMG works closely with its clients around the world to help them develop appropriate strategies, manage the business and technology risks, and put in place the necessary implementation programmes in a timely and effective way.

KPMG's approach is based on understanding the issues affecting the marketplace. We work closely with a number of leading industry organisations providing support in understanding and tackling some of the major issues facing the industry. We are also active in the sponsorship of industry-wide research and events.