Everyone said it wouldn’t work

Everyone said it wouldn’t work

Free translation of the original title in Portuguese for the book “Todo mundo disse que não ia dar certo”

Free translation of the original title in Portuguese for the book “Todo mundo disse que...

The term entrepreneurship has been guiding KPMG’s local and global strategies for several years and our Organization has practical experience in the challenges faced by those who strive to become entrepreneurs in our country.  However, now we may say that Brazilian entrepreneurs face better conditions to make their way.

This is not an easy way and the stories comprising the book “Todo mundo disse que não ia dar certo”, sponsored by KPMG in Brazil, exemplify well this scenario.  
The book recounts, by means of a collection of biographical  profiles and reports on the trajectories of entrepreneurs who started from scratch, the stories of executives who built great brands and companies, and 
were responsible for maintaining thousands of jobs, developing and disseminating technology, and contributing to the  Brazilian economic growth, innovation and development.

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