KPMG in Brazil’s Sustainability Report

Our Impact Plan 2023

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KPMG in Brazil’s Sustainability Report brings together all of our commitments regarding environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters and the principal initiatives that we put into practice in FY23 to fulfill the former. The document, organized into four major pillars (Governance, People, Planet and Prosperity), was produced following global guidelines, and is in line with the principles of the Global Compact and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Putting our values at the heart of everything we do

Chairman’s Foreword

For the 14th. consecutive year, we have prepared the sustainability report, presenting progress in all initiatives to which we are committed, aiming at implementing a low carbon, inclusive, circular and regenerative economy. It is actually visible how we have been operating to overcome social and environmental challenges. Additionally, it is worth stressing the fact that this document is in line with global standards and with KPMG International’s guidelines, thus reaffirming our commitment to the principles of trust and to the changes that we wish in society.
Charles Krieck
Chairman of KPMG in Brazil
and South America
Our report presents the social, environmental, economic and governance performance of KPMG's 15 physical offices, 3 digital offices and 3 coworking spaces in Brazil in fiscal year 2023 (FY2023), corresponding to the period from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023, for all financial and non-financial information.

This document should be read in conjunction with the KPMG Brazil Transparency Report 2023, released in early 2024.

Our 13 material topics

In FY2023, we reviewed our materiality with the aim of identifying possible changes in our material topics, considering benchmarking, surveys, and publications such as KPMG ESG Yearbook Brasil 2023, SASB and Our Impact Plan initiative.
The main indicators for monitoring KPMG's performance in Brazil in relation to material topics and set goals are organized into four pillars: Governance, People, Planet and Prosperity.


1. Ethical Commitment
2. Purposeful governance
3. Quality of governance structures
4. Relationship with stakeholders


5. Inclusion, diversity and equity
6. Health and well-being
7. Skills for future employability


8. Climate changes
9. Nature and biodiversity
10. Water management


11. Job and wealth creation
12. Community vitality
13. Innovation for better products and services

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