
KPMG Legal Services Diversity/Community

KPMG is a firm advocate of diversity and our commitment thereto is premised on our conviction that diversity is a strategic business imperative.


KPMG is a firm advocate of diversity and our commitment thereto is premised on our conviction that diversity is a strategic business imperative.  Diversity is a key aspect of how we identify as a firm and is nurtured by our commitment to foster a working environment. This is conducive to creating a culture of inclusion and enables all our people to realise success within the span of their careers.  KPMG views client satisfaction and employee satisfaction in an equal light and strives to achieve the former through the latter.

We believe that diversity is critical to the sustainable development and prosperity of our people, South Africa and KPMG.  It is for this reason that KPMG continues to contribute positively to transformation both within our business and externally.  Our enduring commitment to diversity and transformation has resulted in KPMG achieving a Level 1 B-BEE rating in 2018.

Through our Talent Management process, we ensure and take tremendous pride in the fact that our people are equipped and empowered to perform at their best within a high performance culture.  KPMG is actively investing in growing our black female and disabled talent pools through our ongoing leadership programmes

© 2025 KPMG Services Proprietary Limited, a South African company with registration number 1999/012876/07 and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All
rights reserved.

This content may contain information specific to member firms of the KPMG global organization in the following countries: South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Mauritius. For more detail about the structure of the KPMG global organization, please visit https://kpmg.com/governance.

KPMG is the brand under which the member firms of KPMG International Limited (KPMG International) operate and provide professional services. Each firm is a separate legal entity and together they form the KPMG global organization. “KPMG in Southern Africa” is used to refer to the individual member firms within the KPMG organization in Mozambique, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mauritius, and South Africa. The member firms comprising KPMG in Southern Africa are not a global partnership, single firm, multinational corporation, joint venture, or in a principal or agent relationship or partnership with each other.

Unless otherwise indicated, references in this website to a 'member firm' or 'member firms' are references to member firms of KPMG International who are members in, or have other legal connections to, KPMG International, an English private company limited by guarantee.

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