Mark Danckwerts


KPMG in South Africa

Mark has over 20 years of experience delivering audit and advisory services to the insurance industry, including three years in London and Zurich. Mark is the head of KPMG’s Insurance practice and the head of KPMG’s Market Conduct practice in South Africa and has been responsible for the management and delivery of KPMG South Africa’s Market Conduct and TCF initiatives and product offering. He has delivered Market Conduct projects to a number of large clients, including Standard Bank, Rand Merchant Bank and Nedbank. In his role as an audit partner, Mark is currently responsible for the audits of, amongst others, Old Mutual Life Assurance Company, Old Mutual Insure and Standard Insurance. In London, Mark was responsible for the audits of two of the ten largest UK insurers and MBIA Insurance (a New York listed financial guarantee insurer) and various JPMorgan subsidiaries. In London, Mark facilitated meetings of the Insurance CFO Forum on a monthly basis; a forum of the CFOs of the twenty largest insurance companies in Europe. In fulfilling this role, Mark researched and produced technical papers covering the new Discussion Papers and Exposure Drafts issued by the IASB and facilitated and wrote the Forum’s comment letters to the IASB prior to the release of an accounting standard under IFRS. Previous audit clients include Momentum Metropolitan, Swiss Re, Hollard and Absa. Other advisory and consulting services to large insurers include an end-to-end and business process review at a large South African insurer and the realignment of strategy for the use of external service providers at a large bancassurance group.

  • Financial Services
  • Insurance
  • CA (SA)

  • BComm Accounting (Honours)

  • BComm Accounting

  • JSE accredited

  • Global Insurance Academy, Wharton Business School, Pennsylvania
