Graduate Programme FAQs

Frequently asked questions about our graduate programmes and working at KPMG

Frequently asked questions about our graduate programmes and working at KPMG

What is a Training Contract (Audit)?

A Training Contract is the learnership programme you complete in order to become a CA. 

Does KPMG only offer graduate programmes to students following the CA route?

No, KPMG also offers graduate programmes within Advisory and Tax.

Which qualifications are applicable to KPMG Graduate Programmes?

Audit Advisory & Tax
  • BCom Accounting or equivalent (CA track/stream) Complete
  • CTA/PGDA as part of the Honours year
  • LLB / BCom Law or equivalent
  • BCom Internal Audit or equivalent
  • BSc Computer Science or equivalent
  • BCom Management Accounting or equivalent
  • BSc Engineering or equivalent
  • Masters Industrial Psychology
  • BCom Forensics Accounting or equivalent
  • BCom Supply Chain & Logistics or equivalent
  • BCom Economics or equivalent
  • BCom Mathematics or equivalent
  • BCom Financial / Investment Management or equivalent
  • BCom Actuarial Science or equivalent

Does KPMG allow you to start a graduate programme and complete your degree while studying part time?

No, all graduate programmes require you to first complete your degree before you can start working. 

I do not meet your minimum academic requirements. Will I be rejected automatically?

No. However, our minimum academic requirements have been developed over time as a guide to determine how well you should be able to cope with the demands of the role, professional exams and training and, as such, they are very important in the selection process. Although, it’s not just your academic performance we are interested in, we will assess your application by combining a number of different factors.

Does KPMG allow you to move within offices or business units during the graduate programme?

This is not the norm. The graduate will have the choice of office/business unit when applying. Once the programme has commenced, the graduate will remain in the office/business unit for the duration. Personal circumstances are considered in extreme cases, i.e. spouse relocation etc.

I have signed a Training Contract with one office and would like to change to another office prior to the commencement of my Training Contract? Is this possible?

Yes, it is possible provided spaces are available. However you need to start discussions with your current Recruiter.

I have applied to KPMG and I have not had any response, what should I do?

Should you not receive a response within 14 days of your application please contact the switchboard and ask for Graduate Recruitment.

Do I have to own a car to work at KPMG?

It is advisable to have your own mode of transport but it is not compulsory.

How much will I earn at KPMG?

KPMG salaries are market related and we offer students substantial growth and learning potential 

What opportunities will I have to travel and work overseas?

At KPMG we offer Global Opportunities in the form of long and short term secondments. It is not likely that you’ll go on a secondment during the first two years of your graduate programme or training contract, however there are many opportunities once you have completed your training contract / graduate programme – towards the end of your 3rd year.

What opportunities does KPMG offer students to travel overseas?

As part of KICC KPMG affords you the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures. 

Can I do my articles overseas and still qualify as a CA (SA)? (Audit Specific)

The SAICA brand is strong and countries beyond the South African boarders appreciate CA(SA). Because of this, some firms do offer a limited number of SAICA training contracts in the United Kingdom, including KPMG Plc. To obtain information of these offices, please refer to the SAICA website. We, however, strongly encourage South African graduates to complete their training contracts in South African training offices; at firms where there is a strong appreciation of the SAICA required competencies, strong support for the assessment process and considerable backing from leadership through all the academic hurdles like ITC and APC.

Furthermore, KPMG South Africa has a very successful track record in obtaining international opportunities for our high performing people beyond the end of their training contracts. Our trainees can obtain significant international experience through long term or short term secondment programmes or can explore permanent international opportunities once qualified.

Can I do TOPP articles at KPMG? (Audit Specific)

With the new SAICA CA2025 competency framework, which became effective on 1 January 2022, there is no distinction between TIPP and TOPP articles. Firms may select which technical learning outcomes based on their business model are available to the trainees. KPMG South Africa has four audit training offices in Parktown, Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth. However on an annual basis, we allow a small number of select trainees to follow the “CA Advisory” programme through the Wanooka training office. This training contract requires trainees to obtain experience within particular advisory divisions in the firm such as internal audit and corporate finance. If you are interested in this programme, please contact your recruiter to be taken though the additional interview and selection process.

Does KPMG offer vacation work opportunities?

Yes, KPMG offers three types of vac work for students following the CA route. Spaces are limited and are advertised online in March and August of each year.

Within Advisory and Tax vac work runs as part of the recruitment process for the specific graduate programmes – it is advisable to apply for the graduate programme to be considered for the vac programme

What happens if I signed a contract to start my articles but I fail subjects and have to repeat my academic year?

Your application will be reviewed for roll forward (postponement of your start date) on a case by case basis.

I signed an Audit training contract, but I want to go into Forensics Accounting once I complete my CTA Honours. What are my options?

You will be eligible to be considered for positions within the forensic business unit after the completion of your training contract.

Does KPMG offer bursaries?

Bursaries are offered to students on the CA stream are offered from Matric to Honours year if you currently have an Audit training contract or are in the process of applying for an Audit training contract.

I am a Thuthuka bursary holder. Can I still apply for an Audit training contract or vac work at KPMG?

Training Contracts: No, Thuthuka allocates students to various companies at the end of their CTA / PGDA year

Vac Work: Yes, you may apply online however vacation work spaces are limited.

I’m a foreign national. Can I apply to KPMG?

KPMG adheres to the CA Charter whose objective it is to reflect the demographics of South Africa. KPMG's recruiting strategy is based on affording opportunities to South African citizens first.

When do KPMG’s graduate programme applications open and close?

Graduate recruitment is an ongoing process and runs from January to September of each year. Applications are processed on a first come, first served basis.

What opportunities are available to Grade 11 & 12s?

  • Schools Programme
  • Job shadowing
  • Bursaries & Training Contracts (Grade 12 Only)