Bill Robinson is the former Chairman of KPMG’s client-facing Economics and Regulation practice which he founded in 2007. He is much in demand as a speaker and, since joining KPMG, he has made over 150 presentations on the economic situation to a wide variety of audiences.
In his early career, Bill was a macroeconomist and forecaster in 10 Downing Street, HM Treasury and the European Commission. He joined the London Business School as a Senior Research Fellow and was the editor of the LBS Economic Outlook and Exchange Rate Outlook. He then became the Director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies and editor of the Institute’s widely-read Green Budget. He also sat on the Retail Prices Advisory Committee and wrote a weekly economics column for the Independent.
He left the IFS to become the Special Adviser to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and he advised on three budgets for Norman Lamont. On leaving the Treasury he joined London Economics, a niche economics firm, and then moved to PwC, where he was Head UK Business Economist. For the past 20 years, Bill has specialised in client-facing, mainly microeconomic commercial work.
His first love is using economic analysis in commercial disputes and he has acted an expert witness in over 20 cases. His Economics and Regulation practice of 65 professional does a wide variety of competition, regulation and forensic economic work.
Bill is the author of 58 academic papers, two books and numerous newspaper articles.
BA Oxon, PhD Sussex, MSc LSE