Rohit Nag

Lead, Third Party Risk Management

KPMG in the UK

Rohit currently leads KPMG’s Third Party Risk Management (‘TPRM’) service line, having joined KPMG in June 2018, based in London.

He specialises in TPRM, Operational Resilience, and the prudential regulatory landscape, including regulations such as PRA SS2/21, DORA, and EBA Outsourcing Guidelines. He has over 15 years experience of leading and delivering projects focused on assessing and building TPRM frameworks, processes, and capability. Prior to joining KPMG, Rohit was leading the Prudential Regulatory Authority’s (‘PRA’) supervision of large international banks, with particular focus on outsourcing risks, operational resilience, and technology risk.

  • BEng (Hons) Electronics and Computer engineering

  • TPRM

  • Operational Resilience

  • Risk and controls, regulations